Grace Baptist Church, White Salmon, Washington

Columbia River Gorge NIGHT TO SHINE

Night to Shine Friday, February 7, 2025
6-8pm at Grace
1280 W Jewett Blvd, White Salmon, WA 98672

Guest Registration is open!

Volunteer signup here:

It takes many volunteers to make this event happen.  Considering volunteering? Click here for more information.
What is Night to Shine?  The Tim Tebow Foundation has a great passion for people with special needs and in 2014 launched Night to Shine with a simple vision, work with churches around the country to provide an incredible special experience, centered on God's love, for people with special needs.  Grace began hosting in 2019 and were excited to offer an in-person event for 2025!  Every guest enters this free event on a red carpet complete with a warm welcome and once inside guests receive the royal treatment with numerous activities to make this a night to remember.  The highlight of the night is when every Night to Shine guest is crowned a king or queen!  

Would you like to partner with us?

If you would like to make a donation to help us in making this a memorable night for our special guests and their families/caregivers, we would be happy to have you partner with us.  
If you would like to make a donation to Night to Shine please use the "GIVE" tab at the top of this page, or on the church app then click on the drop-down arrow by "general" and choose "missions", then click the drop-down arrow by "general missions" and choose "Night to Shine" to designate your gift.